" sesame street character blank monster . “芝麻街人物:空格怪物”
One good idea is to watch children ' s shows like sesame street and progress from there 你可以先由儿童节目开始,例如《芝麻街》 。
The plaintiff may modify the password of the personal homepage of 3d sesame street , upload files or delete files 根据和解协议,微软将面对至少为期年的惩罚性措施。
I thumb through the contents of the envelope : five hundred bucks and two tickets to sesame street on ice . not bad 我看了一下信封,里面有500美元和二张芝麻街冰上舞蹈的门票。不错。
The creators of the children ' s programme sesame street are releasing a new line of videos in the us , aimed at viewers as young as six months 儿童节目《芝麻街》的创作人员正在美国发行一个以6个月大的幼童为观众群的新一系列影视作品。
An entertainment theme park where you can meet familiar faces from sesame street . interactive play elements ( toys ) are so captivating you will want to stay all day 还有体验型的playelement (游玩设施)等,非常好玩,让你1天里百玩不厌!
Fourteen years later , henson brought kermit and other muppets to the landmark educational show " sesame street , " where they became 14年以后,汉森将柯密特和布偶家族的其他成员带到了儿童教育节目芝麻街中,从此,这些布偶角色的名字家喻户晓。
Today we went to sea world . it was awesome ! dolphens are cute and smart ! also i was happy to see elmo ! ( sesame street 我们第一个去的就是到处都有分店的海洋乐园! !里面居然还有可爱的芝麻街人物表演另外我们还看了很多秀我最喜欢的就是看到海豚啦超可爱
Two ways the author was backward as a child : she did not get to go to nursery school ; she did not learn to read until the first grade ; she did not get to watch “ sesame street ” 这是作者在表面上要表达的主题思想:尽管她童年未入托儿所,也未能及时入学,她还是得以生存并适应了她的生活。